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OPmobility adopts PLM from Siemens Xcelerator to optimize product design process

12. března 2025
Plano, Texas, USA

OPmobility, a world leader in sustainable mobility, is adopting Teamcenter X, the cloud-enabled Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software from the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio (Image credit: OPmobility)
  • OPmobility, a world leader in sustainable mobility, is adopting Teamcenter X, the cloud-enabled Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software from the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio
  • OPmobility will use Teamcenter as its single backbone, helping to optimize work efficiency and project lead-times and contribute to the transformation of the product design processes in a rapidly changing automotive industry

Siemens announced today that OPmobility is partnering with Siemens to adopt its Teamcenter® X Product Lifecycle Management software. OPmobility’s increasingly complex products now include electronics and software, to create intelligent exterior and complex lighting systems, as well as energy storage systems, which include battery and hydrogen electrification solutions in addition to fuel tanks.

To further improve the efficiency and scalability of its product development process across its 40 R&D centers around the world, and optimize collaboration between its product development teams, OPmobility has chosen to partner with Siemens and implement Teamcenter as its product lifecycle management backbone.


Félicie Burelle, Managing Director, OPmobility (Image credit: OPmobility / @mourad mokrani)

“In a world where making mobility safer and more sustainable is key, we bring together technology and industry skills to deliver innovative solutions. Partnering with Siemens Digital Industries Software to adopt a single standardized PLM solution across our worldwide R&D network will significantly improve our efficiency and performance, and accelerate time-to-market, which will benefit OPmobility’s products and customers. This partnership illustrates our capacity to embrace new innovative solutions to be at the forefront of progress in this sector”, said Félicie Burelle, Managing Director, OPmobility.

The decision was driven by OPmobility’s push to improve end-to-end digital continuity, capacity to reduce low value-added tasks, SaaS operations, as well as the ability to benefit regularly from new capabilities in Teamcenter X, including Artificial Intelligence.


Cedrik Neike, CEO of Digital Industries and Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG (Image credit: Siemens AG)

"The automotive industry faces unprecedented challenges in product complexity, lead-time pressures, and new technology adoption. We are proud that OPmobility selected Siemens Xcelerator to achieve its ambitious digital transformation goals through comprehensive lifecycle management in this environment,” said Cedrik Neike, CEO of Digital Industries and Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG. "By implementing our scalable Teamcenter X solution across their global R&D centers, OPmobility will boost efficiency and drive innovation. This partnership exemplifies pioneering spirit in the automotive sector transitioning from legacy systems to SaaS-focused PLM solutions."

To learn more about how Siemens is digital transforming the automotive industry with the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio of industry software, visit www.siemens.com

Siemens Digital Industries Software pomáhá firmám všech velikostí s digitální transformací pomocí softwaru, hardwaru a služeb díky platformě Siemens Xcelerator. Software Siemens a komplexní digitální dvojče umožňují společnostem optimalizovat jejich konstrukční, inženýrské a výrobní procesy, aby se z dnešních nápadů staly udržitelné výrobky budoucnosti. Od čipů po celé systémy, od výrobku po procesy, napříč všemi průmyslovými odvětvími. Siemens Digital Industries Software – Accelerating transformation.

Siemens Digital Industries (DI) empowers companies of all sizes within the process and discrete manufacturing industries to accelerate their digital and sustainability transformation across the entire value chain. Siemens’ cutting-edge automation and software portfolio revolutionizes the design, realization and optimization of products and production. And with Siemens Xcelerator – the open digital business platform – this process is made even easier, faster, and scalable. Together with our partners and ecosystem, Siemens Digital Industries enables customers to become a sustainable Digital Enterprise. Siemens Digital Industries has a workforce of around 70,000 people worldwide. 

Siemens AG (Berlín a Mnichov) je přední technologická společnost zaměřená na průmysl, infrastrukturu, mobilitu a zdravotnictví. Cílem společnosti je vytvářet technologie, které mění každodenní život miliard lidí. Spojením reálného a digitálního světa umožňuje Siemens svým zákazníkům urychlit digitální transformaci a přechod k udržitelnosti. Díky tomu jsou továrny efektivnější, města obyvatelnější a doprava udržitelnější. Siemens také vlastní většinový podíl ve veřejně obchodované společnosti Siemens Healthineers, předním světovém poskytovateli zdravotnických technologií, který utváří budoucnost zdravotní péče. Pro každého. Všude.

Udržitelně. Ve fiskálním roce 2024, který skončil 30. září 2024, dosáhla skupina Siemens tržeb ve výši 75,9 miliardy eur a čistého zisku 9 miliard eur. K 30. září 2024 zaměstnávala společnost na celém světě přibližně 312 000 lidí. Více informací na www.siemens.com 

Note: A list of relevant Siemens trademarks can be found here. Other trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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Siemens Digital Industries Software PR Team
Email: yasmine.can@siemens.com