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CEA and Siemens collaborate on research to expand applications of Digital Twin for industry

Plano, Texas, USA

CEA-List develops tools for rapid virtual simulation of integrated circuits. Coupled with digital twins, this enables hardware to be simulated before it is actually realized, and software to be tested before the hardware is operational. Credits (© monsitj – AdobeStock)
  • Research collaboration to bring greater use of artificial intelligence and cloud computation in the world’s most comprehensive digital twin across electronics systems based industry sectors

Siemens Digital Industries Software and CEA-List, a technological research institute focused on smart digital systems research, announced today the signing of a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on research to further extend and enhance digital twin capabilities with artificial intelligence (AI) and explore greater integration of embedded software on both virtual and hybrid platforms.

The research collaboration will bring together the two organizations’ combined industry expertise with the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio and CEA-List’s toolset to help break down the barriers between electronics design, software development and mechanical engineering disciplines using digital twin technologies. This is expected to help customers to significantly reduce the time and cost of verification and validation and to drive significant improvements in product quality and accelerate time to market across the full electronics systems product lifecycle; from architectural exploration to design and development.Alongside this, the research will further explore the use of Digital twin technologies for autonomous driving, smart robotics and health domains.

“With the strong increase in electronics and software content of products and systems, there is a clear need for multi-domain, multi-fidelity system simulation solutions to relieve multiple design and verification challenges. We share a vision with CEA of an even more comprehensive Digital Twin and believe we can implement this vision through the power of the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio because it covers everything from Electronic Design Automation software and hardware tools to system, sensors and multi-physics simulation software,” said Jean-Marie Brunet, VP&GM of Hardware Assisted Verification Division, Siemens Digital Industries Software. “From chip-to-system, this collaboration with CEA-List is expected to further expand the application domains and technology breadth of these solutions.”

“At CEA-List, we are delighted to partner with Siemens, who share our common vision about the importance of a more holistic Digital Twin. CEA-List will contribute its expertise in digital technologies and tools from immersive and functional digital twin platforms (XDE and Papyrus), artificial intelligence and code verification areas,” said Alexandre Bounouh, CEO of CEA-List. “We believe that the Siemens and CEA-List Digital Twin research roadmap can offer best in class tools for generating rapid immersive and functional digital twins enhanced with artificial intelligence. This can certainly boost the competitiveness of companies by integrating Digital Twin technology early to innovate in their products and processes while keeping humans in the loop and reducing their environment impact.”

西门子数字化工业软件通过Siemens Xcelerator 数字商业平台的软件、硬件和服务,帮助各规模企业实现数字化转型。西门子全栈式工业软件和全面的数字孪生可助力企业优化设计、工程与制造流程,将创新想法变为可持续的产品,从芯片到系统,从产品到制造,跨越所有行业,创造数字价值。Siemens Digital Industries Software – Accelerating transformation.

CEA is a major French government organization in research, serving economy and citizens. It provides concrete solutions to their needs in four main areas: energy transition, digital transition, technologies for health, defense and security. The CEA-List, located in the CEA-Paris-Saclay and CEA-Grenoble centers, is a CEA technological research institute that focuses its research on intelligent digital systems. Bringing major economic and societal challenges, its R&D programs concern artificial intelligence, the factory of the future, cyber-physical systems and digital health. The CEA-List is a member of the Carnot Institutes network. Pour en savoir plus : www-list.cea.fr | LinkedIn | X | YouTube



西门子股份公司(总部位于柏林和慕尼黑)是一家专注于工业、基础设施、交通和医疗领域的科技公司。从更高效节能的工厂、更具韧性的供应链、更智能的楼宇和电网,到更清洁、更舒适的交通以及先进的医疗系统,西门子致力于让科技有为,为客户创造价值。通过融合现实与数字世界,西门子赋能客户推动产业和市场变革,帮助数十亿计的人们,共创每一天。西门子持有上市公司西门子医疗的多数股权,西门子医疗是全球重要的医疗科技供应商,塑造着医疗产业的未来。此外,西门子持有西门子能源的少数股权,西门子能源是全球输电和发电领域的重要企业。西门子自1872年进入中国,150年来始终以创新的技术、杰出的解决方案和产品坚持不懈地对中国的发展提供全面支持。2021财年(2020年10月1日至2021年9月30日),西门子在中国的总营收达到82亿欧元,拥有超过3万名员工。西门子已经发展成为中国社会和经济的一部分,并竭诚与中国携手合作,共同致力于实现可持续发展。如需了解详细信息,请访问  www.siemens.com.cn

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Siemens Digital Industries Software PR Team
Siemens Digital Industries Software PR Team
Email: press.software.sisw@siemens.com

CEA-List’s communication
Email : elisabeth.lefevre-remy@cea.fr