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Siemens and IBM collaborate to accelerate sustainable product development and operations

18 kwietnia 2023
Plano, Texas, USA

Siemens and IBM collaborate to accelerate sustainable product development and operations
  • The two companies are developing a new systems engineering and asset management combined software solution to support traceability and sustainable product development – linking domains including mechanical, electronics, electrical and software engineering

Siemens Digital Industries Software and IBM (NYSE:IBM) today announced they are expanding their long-term partnership by collaborating to develop a combined software solution integrating their respective offerings for systems engineering, service lifecycle management and asset management.

Increasing competitive pressures, tight labor markets and growing environmental compliance objectives require organizations to adopt a more holistic management approach that spans the product and asset lifecycle. The companies will develop a combined software solution to help organizations optimize product lifecycles, and make it easier to improve traceability across processes, prototype and test concepts much earlier in development, and adopt more sustainable product designs. The goal is to help organizations speed innovation and time to market which can lead to improved quality and lowered costs.

The new combined SysML v1 standards-based suite of integrated engineering software is expected to support traceability and sustainable product development using a digital thread that links mechanical, electronics, electrical engineering and software design and implementation. It is intended to span the product lifecycle, from early design and manufacturing to operations, maintenance, update and end of life management. Initially, the companies are working to connectIBM Engineering System Design Rhapsodyfor systems engineering with solutions from the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio of software and services including Siemens’ Teamcenter® softwarefor Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Capital™ softwarefor electrical/electronic (E/E) systems development and software implementation. The companies have also connected the IBM Maximo Application Suitefor asset management with Siemens’ Teamcenter software to support an integrated digital thread between service engineering, asset management and services execution.

These integrations will focus on the effective reuse of processes and materials to allow traceability for sustainable product development. This can help companies to make informed decisions earlier in the design and engineering process to help drive improvements in cost, performance and sustainability. For example, companies can more quickly identify under-performing components or design elements that consume excessive amounts of power, or require maintenance or early replacement, and product innovation can be driven through an integrated digital thread that connects the physical and software assets back into product development. 

“A significant portion of product innovation and differentiation contains electrical, electronics and software components. Yet, manufacturing companies are struggling to bring new products to market on time, as the current tools, processes, and information to manage these components are siloed and disconnected,” said Kareem Yusuf Ph.D, Senior Vice President, Product Management and Growth, IBM Software. “To address this gap, IBM and Siemens are collaborating on a digital thread environment to integrate sustainability practices throughout the lifecycle of a product, from design, production, operation, maintenance and beyond. This connectivity will help enable quicker time to innovation and compliance preparedness, and overall improved product quality.”

Siemens and IBM are also collaborating to create a SysML v2 based solution with a migration path to help customers transition to next generation systems engineering. SysML supports the specification, analysis, design, verification and validation of a broad range of systems and systems-of-systems. Service lifecycle management can assist in maximizing business value for product servitization by connecting service engineering to service maintenance to facilitate new collaborative processes between OEM and operators.

“Together, Siemens and IBM will deliver a simulation-driven systems and software engineering solution that is designed to cover the full operational lifecycle. This can empower our customers to innovate by helping to reduce product development costs, drive continuous improvement and create operational efficiencies across the extended enterprise throughout the product’s operation lifecycle,” said Tony Hemmelgarn, President and Chief Executive Officer, Siemens Digital Industries Software. “We are developing this to help companies truly shift left by improving extensibility and reuse of systems models and associated data with standards-based solutions in an open ecosystem and to enable our customers to develop better products.”

Kamil Mrva, Chief Information Officer at ŠKODA Group and early adopter of the service lifecycle and asset management solution, said: “We are working very closely together with Siemens and IBM to help us to reach our sustainability goals, reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) of products for our customers and support our business transformation with an increased focus on services.”

Siemens will be supported by benefits through IBM's newly launched Partner Plus program and will offer the solution as part of the Siemens Xcelerator ecosystem.

Siemens Digital Industries Software pomaga organizacjom każdej wielkości w cyfrowej transformacji przy użyciu oprogramowania, sprzętu i usług z platformy biznesowej Siemens Xcelerator. Oprogramowanie firmy Siemens i kompleksowy cyfrowy bliźniak umożliwiają firmom optymalizację procesów projektowania, inżynierii i produkcji, aby przekształcić dzisiejsze pomysły w zrównoważone produkty przyszłości. Od chipów po całe systemy, od produktu po proces, we wszystkich branżach. Siemens Digital Industries Software - where today meets tomorrow.

IBM is a leading provider of global hybrid cloud and AI, and consulting expertise. It helps clients in more than 175 countries capitalize on insights from their data, streamline business processes, reduce costs and gain the competitive edge in their industries. For more information about IBM, please visit www.ibm.com. For more information about IBM Sustainability, please visit www.ibm.com/sustainability.  

Statements regarding IBM's future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only.

Siemens Digital Industries (DI) jest liderem innowacji w zakresie automatyzacji i cyfryzacji. Ściśle współpracując z partnerami i klientami, DI napędza cyfrową transformację w przemyśle procesowym i dyskretnym. Dzięki portfolio Digital Enterprise, DI zapewnia firmom każdej wielkości kompleksowy zestaw produktów, rozwiązań i usług do integracji i cyfryzacji całego łańcucha wartości. Zoptymalizowane pod kątem specyficznych potrzeb każdej branży, unikalne portfolio DI wspiera klientów w osiągnięciu większej wydajności i elastyczności. DI stale dodaje innowacje do swojego portfolio, aby zintegrować najnowocześniejsze technologie przyszłości. Siemens Digital Industries ma swoją globalną siedzibę w Norymberdze w Niemczech i zatrudnia około 76 000 pracowników na całym świecie.

Siemens AG (Berlin i Monachium) jest firmą technologiczną skupiającą się na przemyśle, infrastrukturze, transporcie i opiece zdrowotnej. Od bardziej zasobooszczędnych fabryk, odpornych na ryzyka łańcuchów dostaw, inteligentnych budynków i sieci, po czystszy i bardziej komfortowy transport oraz zaawansowaną opiekę zdrowotną - firma tworzy technologie z myślą o tworzeniu realnej wartości dla klientów. Łącząc świat rzeczywisty i cyfrowy, Siemens umożliwia swoim klientom przekształcanie ich branż i rynków, pomagając im zmieniać codzienność miliardów ludzi. Siemens posiada również większościowy udział w notowanej na giełdzie spółce Siemens Healthineers, wiodącym na świecie dostawcy technologii medycznych kształtującym przyszłość opieki zdrowotnej. Ponadto Siemens posiada mniejszościowy udział w Siemens Energy, globalnym liderze w dziedzinie przesyłu i wytwarzania energii elektrycznej.

W roku podatkowym 2022, który zakończył się 30 września 2022 roku, Grupa Siemens osiągnęła przychód w wysokości 72,0 mld euro i dochód netto w wysokości 4,4 mld euro. Na dzień 30 września 2022 roku, firma zatrudniała na całym świecie około 311 000 pracowników. Więcej informacji można znaleźć na stronie www.siemens.com.

This document contains statements related to our future business and financial performance and future events or developments involving Siemens that may constitute forward-looking statements. These statements may be identified by words such as “expects,” “looks forward to,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “seeks,” “estimates,” ....

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Zespół ds. PR spółki Siemens Digital Industries Software