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Siemens to accelerate customer time to market with advanced silicon IP through new Alphawave Semi partnership

12 lutego 2025
Plano, Texas, USA

Image courtesy of Alphawave Semi

Siemens Digital Industries Software today announced that it has signed an exclusive OEM agreement for its EDA business to bring Alphawave Semi’s portfolio of high-speed interconnect silicon IP to market through its sales channel. This includes Alphawave Semi’s industry-leading IP platforms for connectivity and memory protocols such as Ethernet, PCIe, CXL, HBM, and UCIe (Die-to-Die) implementations. Beyond the IP sales channel agreement, both companies will collaborate to deliver comprehensive Spec to Silicon Solutions by jointly engaging with customers and leveraging their respective capabilities and strengths.

This agreement will accelerate customer access to Alphawave Semi’s AI-driven, advanced silicon IP platforms via Siemens’ expansive EDA global sales force. These solutions consist of complete silicon IP building blocks that customers can license and integrate into advanced system-on-chip (SoC) designs, including implementations of 3D-IC and chiplet-based technologies. The solutions are especially critical for customers in major technology growth markets such AI, autonomous vehicles, data networking, hyperscaling and storage – markets where 3D-IC designs, chiplets and advanced manufacturing nodes are critical.

“The addition of Alphawave Semi’s silicon IP introduces industry leading technology to our customers, empowering them to achieve unprecedented advances across diverse industries in dramatically shortened timescales," said Mike Ellow, CEO, Siemens EDA, Siemens Digital Industries Software. “We look forward to collaborating with Alphawave Semi to deliver state-of-the-art IP that addresses the most complex connectivity challenges, at the world’s leading advanced process nodes.”

An industry leader in high-speed connectivity IP with 112G and 224G SERDES chip designs across multiple nodes and fabs, Alphawave delivers proven, multi-standard silicon IP platforms that enable faster data transmission and greater reliability with lower power for designs in 7nm, 6nm, 5nm and beyond.

“Siemens Digital Industries Software is a key and trusted partner for AI and hyperscaler developers, and our agreement simplifies and speeds the process of developing SoCs for these, and other leading-edge technologies, to incorporate Alphawave Semi’s IP,” said Tony Pialis, president and CEO, Alphawave Semi. “Our technologies play a critical role in reducing interconnect bottlenecks and this collaboration greatly expands our customer reach, allowing more companies to deliver next-level data processing.”

Siemens will serve as a key partner associated with Alphawave Semi’s PHY, Controller, and Subsystem platform IP optimized for advanced technology nodes - either individually or in concert with Siemens’ comprehensive range of EDA tools and services.

With this agreement, Siemens will offer:

  • PHY IP: Alphawave Semi’s industry-leading portfolio of multi-standard connectivity IP covering Ethernet, PCIe, CXL and Die-to-Die applications. These IP support a wide range of data rates from 1Gbps to 224Gbps, which are used in over 30 different industry protocols/standards.
  • Controller IP: Siemens will offer MultiChannel/MultiRate Ethernet, PCIe, PCIe/CXL Combo, D2D streaming and HBM3E Memory Controllers, which together represent the industry’s leading full-comprehensive interface controller IP solution portfolio. Encompassing the most widely used interfaces for connectivity, these IP offer low power, area, and latency, while targeting applications in the datacenter, telecom, cloud computing, AI, NPU and 5G wireless spaces.
  • Subsystems platforms: Siemens’ offering will also include Alphawave Semi’s subsystems platforms, which combine industry leading PHY IP and interface controller IP for an efficient total design solution.

Siemens and Alphawave Semi's sales and solutions teams are joining forces to address the increasing demand for custom silicon and chiplet-based ASICs in the AI era. Together, they will provide a comprehensive solution stack that spans from initial concepts to finished production parts. This collaboration aims to serve high-growth markets in AI, HPC, and Networking, offering flexible business models tailored to various customer categories.

Alphawave Semi is a global leader in high-speed connectivity and compute silicon for the world’s technology infrastructure. Faced with the exponential growth of data, Alphawave Semi’s technology services a critical need: enabling data to travel faster, more reliably, and with higher performance at lower power. It is a semiconductor company, and its IP, custom silicon, and connectivity products are deployed by global tier-one customers in data centers, compute, networking, AI, 5G, autonomous vehicles, and storage applications.

Siemens Digital Industries Software pomaga organizacjom każdej wielkości w cyfrowej transformacji przy użyciu oprogramowania, sprzętu i usług z platformy biznesowej Siemens Xcelerator. Oprogramowanie firmy Siemens i kompleksowy cyfrowy bliźniak umożliwiają firmom optymalizację procesów projektowania, inżynierii i produkcji, aby przekształcić dzisiejsze pomysły w zrównoważone produkty przyszłości. Od chipów po całe systemy, od produktu po proces, we wszystkich branżach. Siemens Digital Industries Software– Accelerating transformation.

Siemens Digital Industries (DI) jest wiodącym innowatorem w dziedzinie automatyzacji i cyfryzacji. W ścisłej współpracy ze swoimi partnerami i klientami, DI jest siłą napędową cyfrowej transformacji w przemyśle procesowym i produkcyjnym. Dzięki portfolio Digital Enterprise, Siemens zapewnia firmom każdej wielkości wszystkie niezbędne produkty wraz ze spójnymi rozwiązaniami i usługami do integracji i cyfryzacji całego łańcucha wartości. To wyjątkowe portfolio, zoptymalizowane pod kątem specyficznych wymagań poszczególnych branż, umożliwia klientom zwiększenie produktywności i elastyczności. DI stale rozszerza swoje portfolio o innowacje i integrację przyszłościowych technologii. Siemens Digital Industries, z siedzibą w Norymberdze, zatrudnia na całym świecie około 76 000 pracowników.

Siemens AG (Berlín a Mnichov) je přední technologická společnost zaměřená na průmysl, infrastrukturu, mobilitu a zdravotnictví. Cílem společnosti je vytvářet technologie, které mění každodenní život miliard lidí. Spojením reálného a digitálního světa umožňuje Siemens svým zákazníkům urychlit digitální transformaci a přechod k udržitelnosti. Díky tomu jsou továrny efektivnější, města obyvatelnější a doprava udržitelnější. Siemens také vlastní většinový podíl ve veřejně obchodované společnosti Siemens Healthineers, předním světovém poskytovateli zdravotnických technologií, který utváří budoucnost zdravotní péče. Pro každého. Všude.

Udržitelně. Ve fiskálním roce 2024, který skončil 30. září 2024, dosáhla skupina Siemens tržeb ve výši 75,9 miliardy eur a čistého zisku 9 miliard eur. K 30. září 2024 zaměstnávala společnost na celém světě přibližně 312 000 lidí. Více informací na www.siemens.com 

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