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Siemens advances integrated circuit verification with new, data-driven Questa Verification IQ software

2023년 1월 31일
Plano, Texas, USA

Siemens has introduced Questa Verification IQ software to help logic verification teams overcome the challenges associated with the design complexity of sophisticated, next-generation integrated circuits (ICs)
  • Questa Verification IQ helps global engineering teams collaborate in real time to accelerate the verification management process and provide real-time project visibility
  • Seamlessly integrates with industry-leading Polarion REQUIREMENTS to deliver a platform that automatically captures all data from every engine run across the life of a project

Siemens Digital Industries Software today introduced Questa™ Verification IQ software – a groundbreaking solution that helps logic verification teams overcome a host of challenges associated with the dramatic rise in design complexity of sophisticated, next-generation integrated circuits (ICs). Team-based, cloud-enabled, data-driven and powered by artificial intelligence (AI) technology, Questa Verification IQ helps to accelerate verification closure, streamline traceability, optimize resources and speed time-to-market.

Logic verification traditionally consumes over 70 percent of the overall IC development cycle. Achieving design closure – knowing engineers have done enough of the right kind of verification to ensure your design will work flawlessly – is an ever-increasing challenge as each new generation of IC designs introduce high-levels of complexity. According to a 2022 Wilson Research industry study, verification teams achieving first silicon success has declined from 31 percent in 2014 to just 24 percent in 2022, which represents the lowest level recorded in the past 20 years.

Engineered to help design teams achieve design closure faster, Questa Verification IQ is tightly integrated with Siemens’ industry-leading Polarion™ REQUIREMENTS software to deliver a platform that automatically captures all data from every engine run across the life of a project, helping customers manage requirements, coding, testing and release management across the design and verification process. This powerful combination provides a tight digital thread optimized for functional safety compliance tasks, providing a traceable solution from requirements down to verification results and implementation.

Questa Verification IQ unifies coverage data from the formal and simulation engines within Siemens’ Questa™ platform, OneSpin® software, Symphony™ platform for analog and mixed-signal simulation, as well as Siemens’ Veloce™ hardware for emulation and prototyping. The machine learning functionality in Questa Verification IQ then analyzes the data to predict patterns and holes, identify root causes, and prescribe solutions to potential issues; thereby helping to improve efficiency and giving teams the information needed to signoff with confidence.

“Companies across the globe on the cutting edge of chip design and verification are leveraging big data to spark innovation, streamline operations and boost efficiencies,” said Abhi Kolpekwar, vice president and general manager of Design Verification Technology for Siemens EDA. “With the launch of Questa Verification IQ, Siemens is transforming IC verification with a state-of-the-art, data-driven verification solution that can speed and simplify the verification process using analytics, collaboration and traceability – especially when married to Siemens’ Polarion REQUIREMENTS software.”

Questa Verification IQ is implemented in a web-based application framework, providing scalable verification management with minimal install cost, while achieving device and OS independence. Supporting public, private and hybrid cloud configurations with native collaboration and centralized data access, Questa Verification IQ helps global engineering teams collaborate in real time to accelerate the verification management process and provide real-time project visibility.Questa Verification IQ is also fully integrated with popular Continuous Integration (CI) tools such as Jenkins to automate workflows.

Industry leaders on Questa Verification IQ

“The rapid pace of innovation today means that time-to-market is more critical than ever for us to meet the growing demand for computing power,” said Tran Nguyen, senior director of Design Services for Arm. “The Questa Verification IQ solution from Siemens allows for greater collaboration across teams and geographies during the verification process, and enables analytical navigation to improve productivity, significantly reducing our closure times.”

“Nordic Semiconductor specializes in wireless communication technology that powers the IoT. Knowing the verification status of the design throughout the development cycle is critical to planning, execution, and the final quality of our products,” said Christoffer Amlo verification team lead for Nordic Semiconductor. “As an early adopter, Questa Verification IQ provides us with a central portal with high level trending. The live status automated by the tool replaces the manual effort of gathering our regression information. And for investigating uncomplete verification work, Questa Verification IQ provides an efficient collaborative workflow for coverage closure.”

Siemens’ Questa Verification IQ is available now. For more information, please visit https://eda.sw.siemens.com/en-US/ic/questa/simulation/verification-iq/

지멘스 디지털 인더스트리 소프트웨어 소개
지멘스디지털인더스트리소프트웨어는규모에상관없이모든기업들이지멘스엑셀러레이터비즈니스플랫폼의소프트웨어, 하드웨어, 서비스를사용해디지털전환을추진하도록지원한다. 지멘스의소프트웨어와포괄적인디지털트윈을통해기업은설계, 엔지니어링, 제조프로세스를최적화함으로써 오늘의아이디어를미래의지속가능한제품으로만들어낼수있다. 칩부터전체시스템까지, 제품부터프로세스까지, 모든산업에걸쳐지멘스디지털인더스트리소프트웨어는우리의오늘과내일을연결한다.

지멘스디지털인더스트리(Siemens Digital Industries, DI)는자동화및디지털화분야의혁신리더이다. DI는파트너및고객사와긴밀히협력해프로세스및개별산업의디지털혁신을추진하고있다. DI는디지털엔터프라이즈포트폴리오를통해다양한규모의기업에엔드-투-엔드제품과솔루션, 서비스를제공해전체가치사슬을통합하고디지털화한다. 각산업의개별요구사항에최적화된 DI 고유의포트폴리오는고객이생산성과유연성을확대할수있도록지원한다. DI는최첨단기술을통합하기위해자체포트폴리오를지속적으로혁신하고있다. 지멘스디지털인더스트리의글로벌본사는독일뉘른베르크에위치해있으며, 전세계에약 7만 6,000명의직원을두고있다.

지멘스 소개
독일 베를린과 뮌헨에 본사를 둔 지멘스는 산업, 인프라, 운송, 헬스케어 등의 분야에 역량을 집중하고 있는 세계적인 기술 기업이다. 공장의 자원 효율성 개선, 탄력적인 공급망 관리, 스마트 빌딩 및 그리드는 물론, 보다 친환경적이고 편리한 운송 서비스와 첨단 헬스케어 서비스 분야에 이르기까지 지멘스의 기술은 고객을 위한 진정한 가치를 창출하는 데에 그 목적을 둔다. 지멘스는 현실과 디지털 세계를 결합함으로써 고객이 산업과 시장을 변화시키고 더 나아가 수십억 인구의 일상을 변화시킬 수 있도록 지원한다. 지멘스는 헬스케어 산업의 미래를 견인하고 있는 세계적 의료기술 기업이자 상장 계열사인 지멘스 헬시니어스의 최대 지분을 보유하고 있다. 또한 지멘스는 발전 및 송전 분야 글로벌 리더 지멘스에너지의 소수 지분을 보유하고 있다.

2022년 9월 30일 종료된 2022 회계연도에 지멘스 그룹의 매출액은 720억 유로, 순이익은 44억 유로다. 2022년 9월 30일 기준 전 세계적으로 31만 1천 명의 직원이 근무하고 있다. 자세한 내용은 www.siemens.com에서 확인할 수 있다.

지멘스 관련 상표 목록은 여기에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 기타 상표는 해당 소유자에게 속한다.

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