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Siemens delivers a major leap toward mainstream 3D-IC adoption with new Calibre 3DThermal

2024년 6월 24일
Plano, Texas, USA

  • Calibre 3DThermal delivers complete chip and package-inward thermal analysis software for 3D-ICs, addressing critical design and verification challenges from early-stage chip and 3D assembly exploration to design signoff
  • New offering integrates with Siemens’ advanced design tools to provide a robust platform that captures and analyzes thermal data throughout the design process

Siemens Digital Industries Software today introduced Calibre® 3DThermal, innovative software for thermal analysis, verification and debugging in 3D integrated circuits (3D-ICs). Calibre 3DThermal enables chip designers to rapidly model, visualize and mitigate thermal effects in their designs from early-stage chip and package-inward exploration through to design signoff by incorporating elements of Siemens’ Calibre verification software and Calibre® 3DSTACK software along with the company’s Simcenter™ Flotherm™ software solver engine. Calibre 3DThermal provides the outputs necessary for thermal impacts to be considered in electrical simulations. Moreover, Calibre 3DThermal can both consume as input boundary conditions as well as provide output to Simcenter Flotherm – enabling true IC to system thermal modeling from IC to package to board to system level.

Calibre 3DThermal was developed to address challenges of 3D-IC architectures where controlling heat dissipation is a key requirement. It offers fast, accurate, powerful and comprehensive approaches to identifying and rapidly addressing complex thermal issues. Calibre 3DThermal provides the flexibility to start initial feasibility analysis with minimal inputs and can later perform more detailed analyses considering metalization details and their impact on thermal considerations as more detailed information becomes available. This progressive approach enables designers to refine their analysis and apply fixes such as floorplanning changes and adding stacked vias or TSVs to avoid thermal hotspots and/or dissipate heat more effectively. This iterative process continues until the final assembly is complete, significantly reducing the risk of performance, reliability and manufacturing issues at final tape-out.

Delivering thermal analysis at this advanced level requires a complete understanding of the 3D-IC assembly. Waiting until the assembly is complete to identify and correct errors can severely disrupt design schedules, but Calibre 3DThermal mitigates this risk through automation and integration, allowing designers to iterate thermal analysis at whichever design stage they are working on.

Calibre 3DThermal embeds a custom version of Siemens’ accurate, industry-trusted Simcenter Flotherm software solver engine to create precise chiplet-level thermal models for static or dynamic simulation of full 3DIC assemblies. Debugging is streamlined through the traditional Calibre RVE software results viewer, which is already integrated across a wide range of IC design tools. The integration of these powerful tools results in an efficient thermal analysis solution tailored to the specific needs of 3DIC designers.

Like all Calibre products, Calibre 3DThermal integrates seamlessly with a range of industry-leading design tools from both third parties, as well as with Siemens’ software including the newly announced Innovator3D IC™ software. In all design flows, Calibre 3DThermal captures and analyzes thermal data across the entire design lifecycle.

“Calibre 3DThermal represents a significant advancement in 3D-IC design and verification, providing designers with the capabilities they need to address thermal challenges early in the design process,” said Michael Buehler-Garcia, vice president, Calibre Product Management, Siemens Digital Industries Software. “By integrating thermal analysis directly into all stages of the IC design flow, we’re enabling our customers to create more reliable, high-performance 3DICs with greater confidence and efficiency.”

Collaboration with UMC

In a collaborative effort, Siemens has joined forces with United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) to deploy an innovative thermal analysis flow for UMC customers powered by Calibre 3DThermal. This cutting-edge software is tailored specifically for UMC’s wafer-on-wafer and 3D-IC technologies and has been validated and is planned for availability to UMC’s global clientele soon.

“As the semiconductor industry grapples with escalating thermal challenges, particularly in the realm of heat dissipation and thermal gradients within advanced 3D-IC technologies, UMC remains committed to providing effective solutions,” said Osbert Cheng, vice president of device technology development & design support at UMC. “Through our collaboration with Siemens and the implementation of Calibre 3Dthermal, we will be able to offer our customers a comprehensive thermal analysis capability, enabling them to address critical thermal concerns and optimize their designs for enhanced performance and reliability.”

To learn more about Calibre 3DThermal visit https://eda.sw.siemens.com/en-US/ic/calibre-design/3dthermal/

지멘스 디지털 인더스트리 소프트웨어 소개

지멘스 디지털 인더스트리 소프트웨어는 규모에 상관없이 모든 기업들이 Siemens Xcelerator 비즈니스 플랫폼의 소프트웨어, 하드웨어, 서비스를 사용해 디지털 전환을 추진하도록 지원한다. 지멘스의 소프트웨어와 포괄적인 디지털 트윈을 통해 기업은 설계, 엔지니어링, 제조 프로세스를 최적화함으로써 오늘의 아이디어를 미래의 지속가능한 제품으로 만들어낼 수 있다. 칩부터 전체 시스템까지, 제품부터 프로세스까지, 모든 산업을 아우른다.Siemens Digital Industries Software – Accelerating transformation.

지멘스디지털인더스트리(Siemens Digital Industries, DI)는자동화및디지털화분야의혁신리더이다. DI는파트너및고객사와긴밀히협력해프로세스및개별산업의디지털혁신을추진하고있다. DI는디지털엔터프라이즈포트폴리오를통해다양한규모의기업에엔드-투-엔드제품과솔루션, 서비스를제공해전체가치사슬을통합하고디지털화한다. 각산업의개별요구사항에최적화된 DI 고유의포트폴리오는고객이생산성과유연성을확대할수있도록지원한다. DI는최첨단기술을통합하기위해자체포트폴리오를지속적으로혁신하고있다. 지멘스디지털인더스트리의글로벌본사는독일뉘른베르크에위치해있으며, 전세계에약 7만 6,000명의직원을두고있다.

지멘스 소개 

독일 베를린과 뮌헨에 본사를 둔 지멘스는 산업, 인프라, 운송, 헬스케어 등의 분야에 역량을 집중하고 있는 세계적인 기술 기업이다. 공장의 자원 효율성 개선, 탄력적인 공급망 관리, 스마트 빌딩 및 그리드는 물론, 보다 친환경적이고 편리한 운송 서비스와 첨단 헬스케어 서비스 분야에 이르기까지 지멘스의 기술은 고객을 위한 진정한 가치를 창출하는 데에 그 목적을 둔다. 지멘스는 현실과 디지털 세계를 결합함으로써 고객이 산업과 시장을 변화시키고 더 나아가 수십억 인구의 일상을 변화시킬 수 있도록 지원한다. 지멘스는 헬스케어 산업의 미래를 견인하고 있는 세계적 의료기술 기업이자 상장 계열사인 지멘스 헬시니어스의 최대 지분을 보유하고 있다. 

2023년 9월 30일 종료된 2023 회계연도에 지멘스 그룹의 매출액은 778억 유로, 순이익은 85억 유로다. 2023년 9월 30일 기준 전 세계적으로 32만 명의 직원이 근무하고 있다. 자세한 내용은 www.siemens.com에서 확인할 수 있다. 

지멘스 관련 상표 목록은 여기에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 기타 상표는 해당 소유자에게 속한다.

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