
Siemens extends Veloce hardware-assisted verification support of EPGM Ethernet to 1.6 Tbps

Plano, Texas, USA

Siemens Digital Industries Software announced today an extension of its Veloce™ hardware-assisted verification platform to support 1.6 Tbps Ethernet. As a core component of the Siemens software/hardware and system validation platform, Veloce delivers complete virtual models to support Ethernet Packet Generator and Monitor (EPGM) Ethernet port speeds up to 1.6 Tbps. This enables full performance, pre-silicon verification for complex networking designs targeting data center, cloud, HPC and AI workloads. 

The Veloce hardware-assisted verification platform now supports the evolving standard of IEEE 802.3dj for port speeds of 1.6 Tbps based on 200G per lane and also supports 200G/400G/800G performance based on the 200G per lane technology standard. 

“These interfaces enable customers to scale up large networking configurations for skyrocketing bandwidth demand,” said Jean-Marie Brunet, vice president and general manager, Hardware-Assisted Verification, Siemens Digital Industries Software. “The Veloce low latency, high bandwidth co-model channel provides a complete, high-performance pre-silicon environment so customers can easily run complex system-level scenarios for maximum functional and performance verification of Ethernet devices.”  


The Veloce portfolio of supported DUT interfaces for 200G, 400G, 800G and 1.6T Ethernet (based on 200G/lane technology) is available now. To learn more about how Siemens is enabling the semiconductor and electronic systems industry to deliver to market the world’s most advanced SoCs and systems, visit: https://eda.sw.siemens.com/en-US/ic/hav/ 

シーメンスデジタルインダストリーズソフトウェアは、Siemens Xceleratorビジネス・プラットフォームのソフトウェア、ハードウェア、サービスを最大限に活用し、あらゆる規模の組織がデジタル・トランスフォーメーションを実現する支援をします。シーメンスのソフトウェアと総合的なデジタルツインにより、企業は設計、エンジニアリング、および製造プロセスを最適化し、現在のアイデアを将来の持続可能な製品に転換できるようなります。シーメンスデジタルインダストリーズソフトウェアは、チップからシステム全体、そして製品からプロセスに至るまで、あらゆる産業において変革を加速させます。Siemens Digital Industries Software – Accelerating transformation



プレスコミュニケーション Molly Hwa
Email: molly.hwa@siemens.com