
Siemens to deliver photorealism-enhanced digital twin with NVIDIA Omniverse and Teamcenter Digital Reality Viewer

Plano, Texas, USA

Teamcenter Digital Reality Viewer brings the NVIDIA Omniverse platform and accelerated computing to Teamcenter, enabling high-quality, high-performance photorealistic visualization of large, complex datasets common in engineering and manufacturing.
  • New software embeds high-performance, real-time ray tracing capabilities, powered by NVIDIA Omniverse, directly into Teamcenter to enable visualization and interaction with photorealistic, physics-based digital twins

Siemens Digital Industries Software announced today Teamcenter® Digital Reality Viewer, a new software solution that brings the NVIDIA Omniverse platform and accelerated computing to Teamcenter, enabling high-quality, high-performance photorealistic visualization of large, complex datasets common in engineering and manufacturing.

Powered by NVIDIA Omniverse, Siemens’ Teamcenter Digital Reality Viewer embeds high-performance, real-time ray tracing capabilities directly into Teamcenter. This enables companies to seamlessly visualize and interact with photorealistic, physics-based digital twins of their products, eliminating workflow waste and errors.

Benefits of bringing photorealism to Siemens’ comprehensive digital twin

  • Enhanced realism: Customers can now visualize and interact with photorealistic, physics-based digital twins of their products, providing greater insights and a deeper understanding of product designs.
  • Cost and time savings: Adding photorealism to Siemens’ digital twin technology helps eliminate the need for expensive physical prototypes and separate virtual environments, so customers can significantly reduce costs and accelerate time-to-market.
  • Seamless collaboration: The secure, real-time collaboration capabilities within Teamcenter keep all stakeholders aligned and updated, helping ensure that everyone is working with the most current data.
  • Live 3D data interoperability and integration: The integration of live 3D data means that product information is always synchronized, reducing errors and data discrepancies.
  • Streamlined decision-making: All visualizations, discussions, and changes are tracked in Teamcenter, removing ambiguity and improving traceability.
  • Versatile use cases: Teamcenter Digital Reality Viewer supports multiple stages of the product lifecycle, from design and engineering to sales and marketing, all within a unified platform.

Teamcenter Digital Reality Viewer brings the NVIDIA Omniverse platform and accelerated computing to Teamcenter, enabling high-quality, high-performance photorealistic visualization of large, complex datasets common in engineering and manufacturing.

Bringing scalable photorealism to PLM and the digital twin

Teamcenter Digital Reality Viewer combines the power of NVIDIA's visualization technology with Siemens' secure cloud infrastructure, integrating NVIDIA Omniverse for real-time ray tracing and NVIDIA accelerated computing to deliver on-demand compute capabilities. A centralized, cloud-based GPU cluster helps ensure consistent, high-performance visualization capabilities for all users. This cloud-based rendering-as-a-service architecture allows industry clients to focus on their specific tasks and use cases without the burden of managing hardware and software.

With Teamcenter Digital Reality Viewer, manufacturers can leverage their investment in a PLM digital thread backbone to incorporate realism into the multi-CAD data used for everyday visualization. This capability adds greater fidelity and context to digital twins, delivering a more immersive experience for design, review, and collaboration.

To learn more about Teamcenter Digital Reality viewer and how Siemens is building the Industrial Metaverse, visit https://blogs.sw.siemens.com/teamcenter/introducing-teamcenter-digital-reality-viewer/.

シーメンスデジタルインダストリーズソフトウェアは、Siemens Xceleratorビジネス・プラットフォームのソフトウェア、ハードウェア、サービスを最大限に活用し、あらゆる規模の組織がデジタル・トランスフォーメーションを実現する支援をします。シーメンスのソフトウェアと総合的なデジタルツインにより、企業は設計、エンジニアリング、および製造プロセスを最適化し、現在のアイデアを将来の持続可能な製品に転換できるようなります。シーメンスデジタルインダストリーズソフトウェアは、チップからシステム全体、そして製品からプロセスに至るまで、あらゆる産業において変革を加速させます。Siemens Digital Industries Software – Accelerating transformation



プレスコミュニケーション Molly Hwa
Email: molly.hwa@siemens.com