
Siemens makes product lifecycle management more accessible to businesses of all sizes with Teamcenter X Essentials

Plano, Texas, USA

Siemens Digital Industries Software announced today a new offering of its Teamcenter® X software for smaller businesses. Teamcenter X Essentials is the most affordable way to access Teamcenter X, the Software as a Service (SaaS) solution for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) that is part of the Siemens Xcelerator as a Service portfolio. Teamcenter X Essentials enables businesses, from startups to global enterprises, to rapidly begin digital transformation and adopt PLM and, when ready, rapidly grow innovation capability.

The Teamcenter X Essentials package helps businesses manage their mechanical computer aided design (CAD) product data and processes. Built on the same trusted, robust and secure SaaS architecture used by some of the world’s leading manufacturers and innovators, Teamcenter X Essentials enables teams to start fast and get their product data under control with minimal IT administration, implementation and at dramatically lower cost. As requirements and business needs grow and evolve, businesses can then take advantage of the full breadth of the capabilities of Teamcenter X. Any Teamcenter solution can be delivered as-a-service, enabling businesses to easily scale their PLM capability, integrate systems, or expand globally. Teamcenter X provides businesses the flexibility to configure and customize their PLM environment to support their business growth – all while realizing the advantages of SaaS.

Teamcenter X Essentials for design collaboration: Teamcenter X Essentials helps companies of all sizes start fast with PLM, enabling them to get mechanical CAD product data, documents, and processes under control with a preconfigured, cloud offering that is ready to go from day one. Purpose-built for mechanical CAD users, Teamcenter X Essentials allows users to work within their familiar CAD interface, to create and manage design revisions all while having the assurance that their data is securely controlled, shared, and backed up in the cloud. Team members without direct CAD access can use Teamcenter X Essentials to participate in the development process. They can use 3D visualization and markup tools, benefit from intelligent search capabilities, engage in discussions, and manage product and service documentation.

Grow with the Teamcenter X portfolio: Teamcenter X delivers the entire Teamcenter portfolio with the business agility and resiliency expected from a SaaS deployment. Customers can flexibly configure their Teamcenter X environment to drive innovation and enable a competitive advantage. Teamcenter X leverages the latest technologies, like artificial intelligence and machine learning, to deliver modern PLM solutions for product development, manufacturing, and service.

Teamcenter X Essentials will be available later in calendar year 2024. To learn more about Teamcenter X and how it is bringing the power of industry-proven, trusted, and secure cloud-based lifecycle and process management to companies of all sizes, visit: https://plm.sw.siemens.com/en-US/teamcenter/teamcenter-x-cloud-plm/

シーメンスデジタルインダストリーズソフトウェアは、Siemens Xceleratorビジネス・プラットフォームのソフトウェア、ハードウェア、サービスを最大限に活用し、あらゆる規模の組織がデジタル・トランスフォーメーションを実現する支援をします。シーメンスのソフトウェアと総合的なデジタルツインにより、企業は設計、エンジニアリング、および製造プロセスを最適化し、現在のアイデアを将来の持続可能な製品に転換できるようなります。シーメンスデジタルインダストリーズソフトウェアは、チップからシステム全体、そして製品からプロセスに至るまで、あらゆる産業において変革を加速させます。Siemens Digital Industries Software – Accelerating transformation



プレスコミュニケーション Molly Hwa
Email: molly.hwa@siemens.com