
Siemens and BAE Systems sign five-year agreement to collaborate to accelerate digital innovation

London, England

Air - Factory of the Future technology (Image credit: BAE Systems/Ray Troll)
  • New five-year agreement will see the businesses collaborate on digital transformation
  • Collaboration will deploy cutting edge digital technology from the Siemens Xcelerator open business platform to transform engineering and manufacturing processes through FalconWorks®, the research and development business within BAE Systems’ Air sector
  • Framework builds upon a decades-long relationship and long-term collaboration on initiatives including skills development in manufacturing

Siemens and BAE Systems have announced an agreement that will see the two businesses collaborate on innovation in engineering and manufacturing technologies embracing digital transformation, whilst leveraging digital capabilities throughout program lifecycles.

The five-year agreement is designed to explore and develop a strategic blueprint for engineering of the future and factory of the future capabilities across design and manufacturing disciplines within BAE Systems. This builds on and exploits the recent deployment of Siemens’ NX™ software for product engineering and Teamcenter® software for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), from the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio of industry software. Edge computing solutions and technology validation have also been successfully used across multiple catapult and technology centres.

Through the agreement, Siemens Digital Industries and BAE Systems commit to working together regionally and internationally in the fields of Sustainability, Industrial Digitalisation, and Supply Chain Modernisation, to develop a framework to accelerate the commercial application benefits to BAE Systems within technology exploitation and adaptation.

The framework for collaboration follows decades of successful partnership between the two companies. This has included the development and delivery of a range of Siemens’ technology, knowledge sharing between engineers and joint showcases of solutions at industry forums.


Operator calls up digital information from the automated logistics store in the factory for live factory data (Image credit: BAE Systems/Mark Wright)

Siemens and BAE Systems will also continue previous initiatives to innovate and develop new approaches to digital manufacturing supporting the Factory of the Future initiative within BAE systems.

Brian Holliday, managing director at Siemens Digital Industries in the UK and Ireland, said: “This agreement builds on a well-established, successful collaboration between BAE Systems and Siemens, companies which share ambitions to promote manufacturing careers and innovation. Technology is transforming manufacturing at an accelerated pace and we are proud to work with BAE Systems at the leading edge of Industry 4.0 in the UK.

“The partnership is a good example of Siemens’ broader vision for how we want to work with customers via Siemens Xcelerator. which is built on digital portfolio, eco-system thinking and a digital marketplace. The principle is that by working together in a focussed way, we can accelerate the time to business and sustainability benefits through technology.”

Iain Minton, Technology Capability Delivery Director at BAE Systems, said: “Collaborations like this help us develop and invest in digital thread enabling technologies in a much more integrated and seamless way. Siemens understand the complexities of our operating environment, so we can very quickly mature an idea to the point where it is put into practice, for example when we are looking to implement / optimise new engineering, support or manufacturing capabilities. That’s the real value of this collaboration – the trust and understanding we have built together creates a really powerful force in driving results for the aerospace sector.”

Ben Sheath, vice president and managing director, UK & Ireland, Siemens Digital Industries Software, said. “We are pleased to extend Siemens’ two-decade long relationship with BAE Systems as it continues to deliver on strategic plans to build the factory of the future. We look forward to working alongside the team at BAE Systems as they leverage the power of Industry 4.0 to help achieve the company’s digital transformation goals. This is another great example of how leaders in aerospace are choosing to partner with Siemens and adopt the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio as the foundation of their digital transformation.”

シーメンスデジタルインダストリーズソフトウェアは、Siemens Xceleratorビジネス・プラットフォームのソフトウェア、ハードウェア、サービスを最大限に活用し、あらゆる規模の組織がデジタル・トランスフォーメーションを実現する支援をします。シーメンスのソフトウェアと総合的なデジタルツインにより、企業は設計、エンジニアリング、および製造プロセスを最適化し、現在のアイデアを将来の持続可能な製品に転換できるようなります。シーメンスデジタルインダストリーズソフトウェアは、チップからシステム全体、そして製品からプロセスに至るまで、あらゆる産業において変革を加速させます。Siemens Digital Industries Software – Accelerating transformation


シーメンスAG(本社:ベルリンおよびミュンヘン)は、インダストリー、インフラストラクチャー、交通、ヘルスケアを中核事業とするテクノロジーカンパニーです。資源効率の高い工場、弾力的な供給網、スマートなビルや送電網から、清潔で快適な交通、先進医療に至るまで、目的をもったテクノロジーを開発することで、お客様のために実質的な付加価値を提供します。シーメンスは、デジタルと現実世界を結びつけることで、顧客企業が産業や市場を変革するための力になり、数十億もの人々の日常を変えていく上での支えとなります。またシーメンスは、世界的な大手医療技術プロバイダーとしてヘルスケアの未来を創造する上場企業Siemens Healthineersの過半数の株式を保有しています。2023年9月30日に終了した2023年度において、シーメンスグループの売上高は778億ユーロ、純利益は85億ユーロでした。2023年9月30日時点の継続事業における全世界の社員数は32万人です。詳しい情報は、http://www.siemens.comにてご覧いただけます。 



プレスコミュニケーション Molly Hwa
Email: molly.hwa@siemens.com