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Siemens expands industry-leading integrated circuit verification portfolio with acquisition of Avery Design Systems

2 novembre 2022
Plano, Texas, USA

Siemens plans to add Avery’s technology to the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio as part of its industry-leading suite of electronic design automation (EDA) integrated circuit (IC) verification offerings.
  • Acquisition will extend Siemens’ enterprise verification platform, adding Avery‘s Verification Protocol and Compliance Test Suite offerings
  • Customers can optimize quality and reduce time-to-market by utilizing Siemens’ verification solution across simulation, emulation, and prototyping cycles

Siemens Digital Industries Software today announced that it has signed an agreement to acquire Avery Design Systems, Inc., the leading simulation-independent verification IP supplier, headquartered in Tewksbury, MA, USA. Siemens plans to add Avery’s technology to the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio as part of its industry-leading suite of electronic design automation (EDA) integrated circuit (IC) verification offerings.

“The verification and verification IP markets continue to undergo major paradigm shifts,” said Joseph Sawicki, Executive Vice President, IC-EDA, Siemens Digital Industries Software. “Increasing SoC complexity, demand for new protocols and standards, and broadening use of verification IP use cases present customers with new challenges relating to the verification of sophisticated, next-generation IC designs. The acquisition of Avery further extends Siemens’ leadership in the verification space, adding Avery’s impressive Verification Protocol and Compliance Test Suite offerings, critical verification IP market understanding and know-how, and eminent R&D talent. This can enhance Siemens’ offerings across mainstream verification IP segments, while further extending Siemens verification solutions into areas such as High Performance Computing, Edge, Networking, and 3DICs.”

“Customers need a complete protocol portfolio for their applications and verification IP available as soon as standards are released, as well as compliance testing solutions that can help reduce risk and help enhance the correctness of their protocols,” said Chilai Huang, President and CEO, Avery Design Systems. “The Avery offerings enable this, helping system and SoC design teams to achieve dramatic functional verification productivity improvements. Being part of Siemens also allows growth opportunities for the business, with the combination of Avery’s products and Siemens‘ Questa verification IP offerings enabling continued support of verification engineers across the entire spectrum of simulation solutions.”

Siemens’ acquisition of Avery Design Systems is subject to closing conditions and is anticipated to close in the first quarter of fiscal year 2023. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

Siemens Digital Industries Software helps organizations of all sizes digitally transform using software, hardware and services from the Siemens Xcelerator business platform. Siemens' software and the comprehensive digital twin enable companies to optimize their design, engineering and manufacturing processes to turn today's ideas into the sustainable products of the future. From chips to entire systems, from product to process, across all industries, Siemens Digital Industries Software is where today meets tomorrow.

Siemens Digital Industries (DI) is an innovation leader in automation and digitalization. Closely collaborating with partners and customers, DI drives the digital transformation in the process and discrete industries. With its Digital Enterprise portfolio, DI provides companies of all sizes with an end-to-end set of products, solutions and services to integrate and digitalize the entire value chain. Optimized for the specific needs of each industry, DI’s unique portfolio supports customers to achieve greater productivity and flexibility. DI is constantly adding innovations to its portfolio to integrate cutting-edge future technologies. Siemens Digital Industries has its global headquarters in Nuremberg, Germany, and has around 76,000 employees internationally.

Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a technology company focused on industry, infrastructure, transport, and healthcare. From more resource-efficient factories, resilient supply chains, and smarter buildings and grids, to cleaner and more comfortable transportation as well as advanced healthcare, the company creates technology with purpose adding real value for customers. By combining the real and the digital worlds, Siemens empowers its customers to transform their industries and markets, helping them to transform the everyday for billions of people. Siemens also owns a majority stake in the publicly listed company Siemens Healthineers, a globally leading medical technology provider shaping the future of healthcare. In addition, Siemens holds a minority stake in Siemens Energy, a global leader in the transmission and generation of electrical power.

In fiscal 2021, which ended on September 30, 2021, the Siemens Group generated revenue of €62.3 billion and net income of €6.7 billion. As of September 30, 2021, the company had around 303,000 employees worldwide. Further information is available on the Internet at www.siemens.com.

Note: A list of relevant Siemens trademarks can be found here. Other trademarks belong to their respective owners.

Siemens Digital Industries Software aide les entreprises de toute taille à effectuer leur transformation numérique grâce aux logiciels, aux matériels et aux services de la plateforme d’entreprise Siemens Xcelerator. Les logiciels et le jumeau numérique complet développés par Siemens permettent aux entreprises d’optimiser leurs processus de conception, d’ingénierie et de fabrication pour pouvoir créer les produits durables de demain. Des puces électroniques aux systèmes complets, des produits aux processus, Siemens Digital Industries Software aide les entreprises à conjuguer le futur au présent. Siemens Digital Industries Software – Where today meets tomorrow.

Siemens Digital Industries (DI) est un des leaders de l’innovation en automatisation et en numérisation. En étroite collaboration avec ses partenaires et ses clients, DI mène la transformation numérique dans les industries de procédés et autres secteurs. Avec son portefeuille Digital Enterprise, DI offre aux entreprises de toute taille une gamme complète de produits, solutions et services pour intégrer et numériser l’intégralité de leur chaîne de valeur. Optimisé pour les besoins spécifiques de chaque industrie, le portefeuille de DI, unique en son genre, aide les clients à optimiser leur productivité et à gagner en flexibilité. DI enrichit constamment son portefeuille d’innovations afin d’intégrer les dernières technologies de pointe. Siemens Digital Industries, dont le siège social mondial se situe à Nuremberg, en Allemagne, compte environ 76 000 employés à travers le monde.

Siemens AG (Berlin et Munich) est une entreprise technologique axée sur les secteurs de l’industrie, des infrastructures, des transports et de la santé. Pour permettre aux usines d’être plus économes en ressources, pour que les chaînes d’approvisionnement soient résilientes et que les bâtiments et les réseaux deviennent plus intelligents, pour faciliter le développement de moyens de transport plus propres et plus confortables et pour améliorer les systèmes de santé, Siemens crée des technologies qui ont du sens et sont réellement utiles à leurs utilisateurs. En combinant le monde réel et le monde numérique, Siemens permet à ses clients de transformer leurs secteurs d’activité et leurs marchés afin d’améliorer la vie quotidienne de milliards d’êtres humains. Siemens est également actionnaire majoritaire de la société cotée en bourse Siemens Healthineers, qui fait partie des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux de technologies médicales et qui contribue à façonner l’avenir du secteur de la santé. Siemens possède également une participation minoritaire dans Siemens Energy, un leader mondial de la production et du transport d’énergie électrique.

Au 30 septembre 2022, date de clôture de son précédent exercice, le groupe Siemens affichait un chiffre d’affaires de 72,0 milliards d’euros, pour un bénéfice après impôts de 4,4 milliards d’euros. Au 30 septembre 2022, l’entreprise employait près de 311 000 personnes dans le monde entier. Pour de plus amples informations, consultez le site www.siemens.com.

Remarque : la liste des marques Siemens en lien avec ce communiqué est consultable ici. Les autres marques appartiennent à leurs propriétaires respectifs.

Contacts pour la presse

Service RP de Siemens Digital Industries Software
E-mail : press.software.sisw@siemens.com