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Siemens Xcelerator as a Service supports Panasonic’s digital transformation of home appliance development

30. Juli 2024
Plano, Texas USA and Tokyo, Japan

Image Courtesy of Panasonic Corporation
  • Siemens supports the movement of product development and design data management to the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) for Panasonic Corporation that develops, produces and sells home appliances, heating and ventilation air conditioning, as part of Panasonic Transformation (PX), its group-wide digital transformation (DX) strategy
  • Two companies collaborate to achieve a large-scale implementation of Siemens Xcelerator as a Service with a cloud-based product lifecycle management solution
  • Aims to enhance Panasonic's enterprise value and drive digital transformation (DX) easier, faster and at scale by moving to a cloud-based implementation

Siemens Digital Industries Software today announced that Panasonic Corporation (“Panasonic”) has started to adopt its Teamcenter® X software, a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) cloud product lifecycle management (PLM) solution from the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio of industry software to accelerate its digitalization in product development and design.

Through this large-scale implementation of Siemens Xcelerator as a Service, Siemens helps Panasonic to integrate data management processes across product design and development, reduce lead times, and to support continuous, rapid market availability of the high-quality products. By migrating legacy IT assets and traditional on-premises data management to the cloud, Panasonic aims to reduce IT infrastructure maintenance labor-hours and the total cost of ownership, enable rapidly deployed access to updated versions for the latest PLM functionality and IT infrastructure capabilities and access secure systems across locations in Japan and its locations around the world from a variety of device types and via remote access.

Panasonic has quickly migrated to Teamcenter X by eliminating the customizations that had previously been built on-premises and rebuilding business processes based on standard functions (OOTB) at the same time. In addition, Siemens' Mendix™ low-code platform, which is closely linked with Teamcenter X, quickly implemented Panasonic's unique requirements. Teamcenter X enables Panasonic to always incorporate the latest technology, improve operational efficiency and improve business resilience and continuity. Furthermore, it is aimed to realize an engineering environment that can flexibly and quickly respond to reorganization of business and user transfers between divisions.

The ability of Siemens Xcelerator as a Service to grow with the needs of customers enables Panasonic’s global foundation for digital twin and digital thread in the development and design domains to be expanded in its scope of application in the future, with the aim of improving productivity throughout Panasonic's comprehensive manufacturing domain.

“Panasonic has positioned digital transformation (DX) as a key strategy for strengthening its management foundation and is working on it under the company-wide name of Panasonic Transformation (PX),” said Hidemasa Miyazaki, Panasonic Chief Information Officer. “As one of our key measures, we are collaborating with Siemens to promote the shift to cloud computing and adopting digital threads for product design and development data management. By expanding this transformation in the future, we expect to enhance our market competitiveness and increase our enterprise value.”

“Our collaboration with a global leader like Panasonic demonstrates once again that our expertise in helping our customers to achieve their digital transformation goals with Siemens Xcelerator as a Service,” said Tony Hemmelgarn, President and CEO of Siemens Digital Industries Software. “We are honored to be the first in the world to work with Panasonic on the global standardization of cloud PLM. Siemens will continue to support Panasonic’s rapid, large-scale, and bold digital transformation (DX).”

“We are very pleased to have enabled Panasonic’s success through their adoption of our world-leading Siemens Xcelerator portfolio of industry software and its move to Teamcenter X to help them build the digital base for realizing their digital transformation goals,” said Kunihiko Horita, Country Manager and Vice President, Siemens Digital Industries Software, Japan. “I was deeply impressed by the cooperation and competency of Panasonic and Siemens’ project teams. We, at Siemens, will continue to work together to expand the scope of this initiative and achieve true digital transformation (DX).”

Learn more about Siemens Xcelerator and how it is helping industrial companies to move to the cloud, enable digital transformation and accelerate the development of next-generation products here: www.siemens.com/xcelerator

Siemens Digital Industries Software unterstützt Unternehmen jeder Größe bei der digitalen Transformation mit Software, Hardware und Services der Siemens Xcelerator Business Platform. Die Software von Siemens und der umfassende digitale Zwilling ermöglichen es Unternehmen, ihre Entwurfs-, Konstruktions- und Fertigungsprozesse zu optimieren, um die Ideen von heute in nachhaltige Produkte der Zukunft zu verwandeln. Vom Chip bis zum Gesamtsystem, vom Produkt bis zum Prozess, über alle Branchen hinweg. Siemens Digital Industries Software– Accelerating transformation.

Siemens Digital Industries (DI) ist ein Innovationsführer in der Automatisierung und Digitalisierung. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit Partnern und Kunden, treibt DI die digitale Transformation in der Prozess- und Fertigungsindustrie voran. Mit dem Digital-Enterprise-Portfolio bietet Siemens Unternehmen jeder Größe durchgängige Produkte, Lösungen und Services für die Integration und Digitalisierung der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette. Optimiert für die spezifischen Anforderungen der jeweiligen Branchen, ermöglicht das einmalige Portfolio Kunden, ihre Produktivität und Flexibilität zu erhöhen. DI erweitert sein Portfolio fortlaufend durch Innovationen und die Integration von Zukunftstechnologien. Siemens Digital Industries hat seinen Sitz in Nürnberg und beschäftigt weltweit rund 72.000 Mitarbeiter.

Die Siemens AG (Berlin und München) ist ein führendes Technologieunternehmen mit Fokus auf die Felder Industrie, Infrastruktur, Mobilität und Gesundheit. Ressourceneffiziente Fabriken, widerstandsfähige Lieferketten, intelligente Gebäude und Stromnetze, emissionsarme und komfortable Züge und eine fortschrittliche Gesundheitsversorgung – das Unternehmen unterstützt seine Kunden mit Technologien, die ihnen konkreten Nutzen bieten. Durch die Kombination der realen und der digitalen Welt befähigt Siemens seine Kunden, ihre Industrien und Märkte zu transformieren und verbessert damit den Alltag für Milliarden von Menschen. Siemens ist mehrheitlicher Eigentümer des börsennotierten Unternehmens Siemens Healthineers – einem weltweit führenden Anbieter von Medizintechnik, der die Zukunft der Gesundheitsversorgung gestaltet.

Im Geschäftsjahr 2023, das am 30. September 2023 endete, erzielte der Siemens-Konzern einen Umsatz von 77,8 Milliarden Euro und einen Gewinn nach Steuern von 8,5 Milliarden Euro. Zum 30.09.2023 beschäftigte das Unternehmen weltweit rund 320.000 Menschen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Internet unter www.siemens.com.

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Siemens Digital Industries Software PR Team

Email: press.software.sisw@siemens.com