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Siemens recognized by Northrop Grumman with Supplier Excellence Award

6. března 2025
Plano, Texas, USA

Siemens Digital Industries Software announced today that Northrop Grumman Corporation has recognized it as one of its top supplier partners during the company’s Supplier Excellence Awards. 

“Siemens Digital Industries Software has supported Northrop Grumman in delivering technologies that enhance national security for the U.S. and our allies,” said Ken Brown, vice president, enterprise global supply chain, Northrop Grumman. “The high-quality performance, dedication and partnership of our supplier teams drive operational excellence to ensure warfighters have next generation advantages in advanced weapons, aircraft, missile defense and space.” 

Recognized for Supplier Excellence, Siemens is instrumental in supporting Northrop Grumman with delivering innovative and cost-effective military and security solutions to give its customers the advantage in a complex world. 

“Siemens is proud to receive a Supplier Excellence award from Northrop Grumman and recognition of our long-standing collaboration in digital transformation to support its pioneering innovation in the aerospace and defense industry,” said Todd Tuthill, vice president of Aerospace & Defense Industry, Siemens Digital Industries Software. 

Siemens Digital Industries Software pomáhá firmám všech velikostí s digitální transformací pomocí softwaru, hardwaru a služeb díky platformě Siemens Xcelerator. Software Siemens a komplexní digitální dvojče umožňují společnostem optimalizovat jejich konstrukční, inženýrské a výrobní procesy, aby se z dnešních nápadů staly udržitelné výrobky budoucnosti. Od čipů po celé systémy, od výrobku po procesy, napříč všemi průmyslovými odvětvími. Siemens Digital Industries Software – Accelerating transformation.

Note: A list of relevant Siemens trademarks can be found here. Other trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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Siemens Digital Industries Software PR Team
Email: yasmine.can@siemens.com