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Siemens and KU Leuven collaborate to research Digital Twin for Smart and Sustainable Products

11. června 2024
Plano, Texas, USA

Siemens Digital Industries Software, in collaboration with KU Leuven, has launched the Digital Twin for Smart and Sustainable Products Chair to promote methodological research, stimulate innovations in industrial applications, disseminate results and support educational activities within the field of digital twin technologies.

The Chair will focus on industrial electromechanical systems applications, machinery and drives, and recent developments in transport vehicles. This Chair will push boundaries and develop solutions for various societal, industrial and technological challenges through interdisciplinary collaboration and specific partnerships. Lastly, the Chair supports knowledge dissemination about Digital Twin methodologies and aims to inspire future leaders by offering new application possibilities.


Jean-Claude Ercolanelli, Senior Vice President, Simulation and Test Solutions, Siemens Digital Industries Software (left) and Luc Sels, Rector of the KU Leuven (right) © Filip Van Loock

“Siemens is donating the Chair in honor of KU Leuven’s 600th anniversary in 2025, highlighting a long-standing partnership that has fostered industrial innovation and academic excellence,” said Jean-Claude Ercolanelli, Senior Vice President, Simulation and Test Solutions, Siemens Digital Industries Software. “With the new Siemens Chair, we are set to explore the frontiers of digital twin technologies, promising to bring revolutionary solutions to real-world challenges. This initiative underscores a mutual commitment to advancing technological and educational boundaries for a more sustainable world.”

"With this Chair, we can further strengthen the ecosystem around developing and using Digital Twin in the manufacturing industry. Through these Digital Twin technologies, we can ensure that mechatronic products are designed, deployed, and managed more effectively," said Professor Frank Naets, chairholder, KU Leuven.

To learn more about the chair visit https://www.kuleuven.be/fundraising/how-to-support/chairs/siemens-chair-digital-twins-for-smart-and-sustainable-products.

To learn more about KU Leuven’s Mechatronic Systems Dynamics research programs, visit https://www.mech.kuleuven.be/en/mod/research-areas

Siemens Digital Industries Software pomáhá firmám všech velikostí s digitální transformací pomocí softwaru, hardwaru a služeb díky platformě Siemens Xcelerator. Software Siemens a komplexní digitální dvojče umožňují společnostem optimalizovat jejich konstrukční, inženýrské a výrobní procesy, aby se z dnešních nápadů staly udržitelné výrobky budoucnosti. Od čipů po celé systémy, od výrobku po procesy, napříč všemi průmyslovými odvětvími. Siemens Digital Industries Software – Accelerating transformation.

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Email: yasmine.can@siemens.com