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Siemens revolutionizes engineering simulation with HEEDS AI Simulation Predictor and Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling

28. listopadu 2023
Plano, Texas, USA

  • HEEDS AI Simulation Predictor empowers organizations to take full advantage of the digital twin to optimize products through advanced state-of-the-art AI with built-in accuracy awareness
  • Innovative, high-performing, designs can be produced faster by using knowledge and learnings from historical simulation studies
  • Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling uses high-fidelity simulation or test data to train and validate AI/ML models to make predictions in fractions of a second

Siemens Digital Industries Software today set the benchmark for innovation in the field of engineering simulation with the launch of two groundbreaking solutions - HEEDS™ AI Simulation Predictor software and Simcenter™ Reduced Order Modeling software. These tools empower engineers to tackle the most complex challenges manufacturers face, delivering predictive performance with speed, precision, and efficiency.

Siemens' HEEDS AI Simulation Predictor unlocks new possibilities for manufacturers by empowering engineering teams to harness the potential of advanced AI-driven predictive modeling. As a new addition to the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio, it can revolutionize design space exploration.

Key Advantages:

  • Optimize products with precision: HEEDS AI Simulation Predictor harnesses state-of-the-art AI with built-in accuracy awareness helps organizations to fully leverage the digital twin to fine-tune and optimize their products with unprecedented precision.
  • Faster, more innovative designs: By tapping into historical simulation studies and accumulated knowledge, engineering teams can swiftly craft high-performing, innovative designs, significantly reducing time-to-market.

Addressing the AI drift challenge

One of the most significant challenges in AI-powered simulation is AI drift, where models extrapolate inaccurately when faced with uncharted design spaces. To address this challenge, HEEDS AI Simulation Predictor introduces accuracy-aware AI. This new technology actively self-verifies predictions, aiding engineers to conduct simulations that are not only accurate but also reliable in the context of real-world industrial engineering applications.

“With HEEDS AI Simulation Predictor, we have significantly improved various components of the gas turbine, leading to highly optimized designs and accelerated design cycles,” said Behnam Nouri, Team Lead, Engineering & Platform Design, Siemens Energy. “Our thermo-mechanical fatigue predictions have been effectively upgraded to process ~20,000 design members in only 24 hours, yielding a 20% improvement in component lifetime. This has allowed us to fully characterize the limits of our existing design space which is required for high-efficiency turbine engines. The HEEDS AI Simulation Predictor technology has enabled us to save over 15,000 hours of computational time.”

Siemens today also introduces Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling, new software that harnesses high-fidelity simulation and test data to train and validate AI/ML models. These models then enable engineers to perform predictions in a fraction of a second, transforming the way engineering professionals approach simulation.

Key Advantages:

  • Speed and precision: Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling uses high-fidelity data to empower engineers to gain rapid predictions and to make critical decisions in a fraction of the time it would take using conventional methods.
  • Predictive performance: By training AI/ML models on comprehensive datasets, this technology enables engineers to gain robust, reliable, and trustworthy insights, helping to eliminate the common issue of AI drift.

“Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling lets us accelerate our simulation models to the point where a detailed fuel cell plant model runs faster than real time, with the same accuracy as a full system model,” said Jurgen Dedeurwaerder, Simulation Engineer, Plastic Omnium. “This enables activities such as model-in-the-loop controller development and testing to be done faster, shortening the overall development cycle by around 25%. At the same time, it gives us a reliable, IP protected, and cost-effective way to distribute models to other teams, both internally and to our customers to augment their own products and processes, resulting in better quality products delivered to end users.”

“HEEDS AI Simulation Predictor and Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling represent a true breakthrough in simulation technology. They enable our customers to take advantage of benefits of artificial intelligence-driven simulation to speed their exploration of a design space and to do so accurately and robustly,” says Jean Claude Ercolanelli, Senior Vice President, Simulation and Test Solutions at Siemens Digital Industries Software. “It also enables them to not only use these breakthrough technologies on new projects, but to leverage decades of past simulation data to help deliver new insights on current projects.”

To learn more about how Siemens Digital Industries Software is making a significant leap forward in the quest for reliable, trustworthy AI-driven simulations and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in simulation technology, visit the What’s new in HEEDS and Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling blogs.

Siemens Digital Industries Software pomáhá firmám všech velikostí s digitální transformací pomocí softwaru, hardwaru a služeb díky platformě Siemens Xcelerator. Software Siemens a komplexní digitální dvojče umožňují společnostem optimalizovat jejich konstrukční, inženýrské a výrobní procesy, aby se z dnešních nápadů staly udržitelné výrobky budoucnosti. Od čipů po celé systémy, od výrobku po procesy, napříč všemi průmyslovými odvětvími. Siemens Digital Industries Software – Accelerating transformation.

Společnost Siemens Digital Industries (DI) je lídrem v inovacích v oblasti automatizace a digitalizace. DI úzce spolupracuje s partnery a zákazníky a je motorem digitální transformace v procesním a diskrétním průmyslu. Díky svému portfoliu Digital Enterprise poskytuje DI společnostem všech velikostí ucelený soubor produktů, řešení a služeb pro integraci a digitalizaci celého hodnotového řetězce. Jedinečné portfolio DI je optimalizováno pro specifické potřeby jednotlivých odvětví a podporuje zákazníky v dosažení vyšší produktivity a flexibility. DI neustále doplňuje své portfolio o inovace, které integrují nejmodernější technologie budoucnosti. Společnost Siemens Digital Industries má celosvětové sídlo v německém Norimberku a v mezinárodním měřítku zaměstnává přibližně 76 000 lidí. 

Siemens AG (Berlín a Mnichov) je technologická společnost zaměřená na průmysl, infrastrukturu, dopravu a zdravotnictví. Společnost vytváří účelné technologie, které zákazníkům přinášejí skutečnou hodnotu - od továren účinněji využívajících zdroje, přes odolné dodavatelské řetězce a inteligentnější budovy a sítě až po čistší a pohodlnější dopravu a pokročilou zdravotní péči. Spojením reálného a digitálního světa umožňuje Siemens svým zákazníkům transformovat jejich průmyslová odvětví a trhy a pomáhá jim tak měnit každodenní život miliard lidí. Siemens vlastní také většinový podíl ve veřejně obchodované společnosti Siemens Healthineers, předním světovém poskytovateli zdravotnických technologií, který utváří budoucnost zdravotní péče.

Ve fiskálním roce 2022, který skončil 30. září 2023, dosáhla skupina Siemens tržeb ve výši 77,8 miliardy eur a čistého zisku 8,5 miliardy eur. K 30. září 2023 měla společnost po celém světě přibližně 320 000 zaměstnanců. Další informace jsou k dispozici na internetové adrese www.siemens.com.

Note: A list of relevant Siemens trademarks can be found here. Other trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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Siemens Digital Industries Software PR Team
Email: yasmine.can@siemens.com